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Historically, Private Equity Connections raised capital for private equity funds under a traditional placement agent model.   Over the past several years we have seen significant changes in the fundraising market.  Increasingly, limited partners want direct outreach from, and relationships with, prospective fund managers.  In a placement agent model, GP carve-out lists can result in bifurcated/uncoordinated fundraising.  In addition, more and more public institutions and their contracted fund-of-fund managers are banning the use of placement agents.  Further, placement agent contingent success fees can be costly.  With that knowledge -- and the experience gained from fundraising through volatile economic cycles including a global pandemic -- we believe that we can be more effective for clients as a consultant than as a placement agent. 


Fundraising Preparation


PEC provides strategic and tactical consulting services to both emerging and established private equity firms.

Fund Marketing


PEC specializes in assisting its clients in the marketing of their alternative investment funds  to institutional investors.

Investor Relations


PEC counsels clients on building and maintaining strong business relationships with current investors, investor prospects and the broader investment community.


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